
Project leader (s): Marie-Andrée Caron (UQAM)

The problem of food waste and food loss (GPA) involves economic, social and environmental issues. According to a study by the Value Chain Management Center, losses in Canada have been estimated at $ 31 billion for 2014. Other estimates show a real cost of food waste of $ 107 billion if we include other variables such as l , labor, transportation, capital investment (Gooch and Felfel, 2014). Environmentally, nearly 1.4 billion hectares of land have been used to produce food that is not consumed worldwide, more than India and Canada combined (FAO, 2014). The social challenges linked to food waste and loss are multiple.


The project thus aims to study in a transdisciplinary way the phenomenon of food waste and food losses throughout the value chain of Quebec (from production to consumption) in order to characterize the scale and to propose possible solutions. . All in all, the project aims to meet the following objectives:

  • Documenter les enjeux en matière de GPA;
  • Identifier les acteurs concernés par ces enjeux;
  • Documenter les représentations de ces acteurs à l’égard de ces enjeux;
  • Développer des outils (techniques ou de gestion) permettant une diminution des GPA sur toute la chaîne de valeur dans une optique d’opérationnalisation du développement durable.


  • Recyc-Québec
  • UPA
  • Tablée des Chefs
  • Moisson Montréal
  • IRDA